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KEGLER’S CORNER                                                                                                                   


League bowling highlights from last week at Hood River’s Orchard Lanes:

Monday night Industrial league (1st week in round 3):

Here are the match results from 1-20-25:

Mt. Hood BBQ thumped The Rollers, 23-2

OL’7-10 waxed The Crew, 22-3                   

 MTS slapped Clear Cutters, 21-4                                                                            

Decavo beat Orchard Lanes, 16-9                                                                            

Randy’s Painting edged Triple T’s, 14-11                                                                             

Pat’s Pro Shop squeaked by Hood River Supply, 13-12

DIFFERENCE MAKERS: for Mt. Hood BBQ, Mike Bosse, 215 game; for OL’7-10, Lynn Spellman, 256 game & 643 series; for MTS, Steve Byers, 233 game & 667 series; for Clear Cutters, Court Barker, 228,226 games & 640 series; for Randy’s Painting, sponsor Randy Nieto, 279,261 games & 708 series and Chris Huff, 211 game & 601 series; for Triple T’s, Jordan Trout, 223,222 games & 646 series; and for Hood River Supply, Woody Eskildsen, 214 game & 614 series

BOWLERS of the WEEK: Randy Nieto, 138 pins over average and Jordan Trout, 136 pins over average

Tuesday Nite Mixed league (5th week out of 11 in 2nd half):

C.P.R. is currently in 1st place with 17 wins; Split Faced is in 2nd with 15.5 wins and Take Ten is in 3rd with 13 wins. There are still 6 weeks to go in the 2nd half, so all 12 teams are still in it to win it!

Here are the match Results from 1-21-25:

Double A Orchards swept Hookers and Bowl, 4-0                                                           

Mad Skilz blanked Who Gives a Split, 4-0                                                                  

Take Ten topped Taco Tuesday, 3-1                                                                              

Team Nishi beat Hood River Supply, 3-1                                                                          

C.P.R. drummed Are You Splitting Me, 3-1

DIFFERENCE MAKERS: for Double A Orchards, Nancy Asai, 211,211,202 games & 624 series; for Mad Skilz, Jeremy Bloom, 235,226 games & 630 series and Bob Mason, 213 game; for Team Nishi, Jeff Hasegawa, 226 game and Stuart Kawachi, 210 game; for C.P.R., Dan Nakamura, 226 game.

Wednesday afternoon senior Colts & Fillies league (4th week out of 15 in 2nd half):

Cousins are currently in 1st place with 13 wins followed by Rolling Pins with 10.5 wins. These two teams have been vying for the top spot since the league began last September. As you also may remember, in the first half of the league these two teams tied for 1st place. To resolve the tie, Rolling Pins were awarded first place, because they knocked down more total pins than Cousins. There is still a long way to go in the 2nd half, so all teams are still in it.

Here are the match results from 1-22-25:

Cousins clobbered Jesse’s Team. 4-0                                                                                     

We Tried whitewashed Gutt-er Done, 4-0                                                                                              

Skamaniacs slammed Rice Krispies, 3-1                                                                

Awesome 3 lost to Rolling Pins, 2.5-1.5.

DIFFERENCE MAKERS: Lynn Spellman for Rice Krispies, 209,203 games; Rod Pratt for Gutt-er Done, 203,201 games.

Wednesday night Fraternal league:

Big doings in the Fraternal league this week. It will be the last week in the second round and to make it even more tense, it will be a position-round where the current 1st place team bowls the 2nd place team. One of these two teams will win the second round because all the others have been mathematically eliminated. Here are the current standings:         

1. Mt. Hood BBQ, 147.5 points                                                                                           

2. Hood River Athletic Club, 131.5 points

Let’s look at this critical match. First, it’s interesting to note that Hood River Athletic Club won the first round. Guess who finished second. That’s right, it was Mt. Hood BBQ. Yes, these two teams have been duking it out all season. Here they go again! They are closely matched. The BBQ-ers have a slight advantage in handicap, with 115 pins per game to 94 for the Clubbers. A 20-pin margin isn’t much but for the Clubbers to win the second round, they must take at least 21 points out of 25 available in their match against the BBQ-ers. That’s a tall order but it can be done. The key person for the Clubbers is 206 average fire balling anchorman Josh Worth who can obliterate the sticks with the best of them. He’s going to need some big numbers to beat the steady BBQ-ers led by bowling nut Tyson Trout, big Mike Bosse and Mr. Clutch, John Riggleman.

Here are the match results from 1-22-25:                                                                                    

Bloom Auto Body crunched Get Hu’sum BBQ, 19-6                                                    

Mt. Hood BBQ beat The Red Rockets, 17-8                                                            

Ten in the Pit topped Orchard Lanes, 17-8                                                                       

Hood River Athletic Club slammed Tres Psicos, 16-9

DIFFERENCE MAKERS: sponsor Jeremy Bloom for Bloom Auto Body, 263,237,225 games & 725 series; Tyson Trout for Mt. Hood BBQ, 212 game & 611 series; James Youtsey for The Red Rockets, 244,224 games & 676 series; AJ Perdue for Ten in the Pit, 244,222 games & 669 series; Jeff Brittle for Orchard Lanes, 234 game & 628 series.

BOWLER of the WEEK: James (Jimbo) Youtsey, 106 pins over average

Thursday afternoon County league (week 3 out of 11 in 2nd half):                                 

After just 3 weeks in the 2nd half, the standings are all bunched up, all 12 teams are still in it to win it.

Match results from 1-23-25:                                                                                                           

BS-ers swamped Blind Bowlers, 4-0                                                                                   

The Munsons beat The Incredibowls, 3-1                                                                              

Lady Ballers thumped Stop, Drop & Bowl, 3-1                                                                   

Save the Pins beat The Flu Fighters, 3-1                                                                           

Over the Line split with the Gutter Balls, 2-2                                                                               

Holy Rollers split with The Unbowlievables, 2-2                          

DIFFERENCE MAKERS: Victor Flores for BS-ers, 254 game & 623 series; Rod Pratt for The Incredibowls, 226,205 games & 608 series; Matt Stoneberg for The Incredibowls, 233 game; Joe Towne for The Munsons, 201 game.


BOWLER of the WEEK: Chris Myles, 100 pins over average

Let’s GO BOWLING everyone, make those pins dance!



1141 Tucker Road
Hood River, OR 97031
(541) 386-1326


Orchard Lanes Bowling Center is a non-smoking entertainment center offering an automatic state-of-the-art scoring system, video arcade, video poker and snack bar.

